Embark on a profound quest to reclaim your innate power and unleash your true essence.

This powerful monthly, 1:1 coaching program is designed to help you emerge as the leader of your life.

Our approach is holistic, encouraging the integration of mind, body, and spirit.

This program is best for those seeking unwavering support and accountability as they take action toward living in alignment with their unique astrological blueprint.

Included for you:

  • Astrology-conscious, weekly 1:1 coaching sessions conducted on Zoom, each session recorded for your reference.

  • Direct access to Emma outside session hours for additional support.

  • A supportive, uncensored space where you are invited and encouraged to come as you are.

Embark on this transformative journey and rediscover the extraordinary power that lies within you!

Our Signature Framework

An innovative approach to self-empowerment.

Developed sequentially. Designed for use intuitively.

Discover what your Natal Birth Chart reveals about unresolved wounding needing resolution, as well as strengths and skills accessible for cultivation. Here, set the tone and activate your vision by connecting intentionally to the energy of your unique Astrological makeup.

Assess vulnerabilities and unveil the root causes of disempowering behaviors that are gatekeeping your growth. Here, claim and merge with your shadows as you face the parts of yourself you’ve rejected and repressed.

Reduce unnecessary risk by releasing what no longer serves you and explore new paths and possibilities. Here, you’re given the space to consider everything your fears, friends and family, or society might have told you wasn’t possible.

Align your practices and redefine your boundaries in order to fulfill your long term goals. Here, implement practical solutions into your daily routine to support and maintain your development.

Engage in embodiment practices so you can make contact with your empowered self today. Here, learn how to express yourself unapologetically and share your skills and talents with others and the world around you.

Is Transformational Coaching right for you?

This program is for you if:

★ You are open to exploring a holistic approach combining astrology, psychology, and spirituality to facilitate deep self-discovery and healing.

★ You’re willing to step outside your comfort zone in order to elevate and transform your life.

★ You are ready to discover your truth and commit to doing deep inner work through radical honesty, accountability, and imperfect action.

★ You are seeking continued support and guidance to integrate new ways of living and being.

★ You want to activate your unique gifts, skills, and talents and build the confidence to share them with the world.

This program is not for you if:

★ You are not interested in seeing how Astrology can be used as a tool, and insist on viewing it with skepticism.

★ You are not open to self-reflection, rejecting deeper exploration of yourself and your experiences.

★ You are looking for a “quick fix” and overnight results without putting in the committed effort for long-term transformation.

★ You are searching for psychotherapy, diagnostic treatment, or medical intervention.

★ You are only interested in trendy “spirituality,” preferring to acknowledge only the light aspects of your story and self.

Transformational Coaching Testimonial


  • At the beginning of this experience, I felt quite unsure of myself and my ability to make decisions unless those thoughts and opinions were validated by others. 

    I ended a toxic and codependent relationship that had truly broken my self worth. I found myself reliving this repetitive pattern in past relationships but this was the one that went too far. 

    I felt stifled and incapable of holding myself accountable, and didn’t believe in my dreams — I had almost accepted the reality that was influenced on me by my friends, family and society. 

    I constantly lived feeling like the black sheep of my family and it seemed the only way I could gain their acceptance was by following what they thought was the best path for me.

    I allowed my boundaries to be broken because I thought it would push people away. In the process, I’d alienating myself and disappearing to avoid the conflict because I didn’t want to have to advocate for myself. 

    I had lost myself in years of being what others needed me to be. 

    I became a chronic over thinker stuck in analysis paralysis, unable to make my next move.

  • I'm now someone who is proud of my choices and has found passion again: in my life, in my relationships, and in my career.

    I'm content with starting over 100x because I’ve accepted I’m not going to be "perfect” 100% of the time, if ever.

    I’ve separated my identity from work and realize I am so much more than the job I do.

    I’ve allowed creativity into my life because I realized the excitement it brings me.

    I am firm on my boundaries and limits with family and friends, and no longer feel undeserving of love because of it.

    I’ve learned that I may fall back into learned behavior, but how I react and process it is what will allow me to continue to grow and not project my trauma onto those I love.

    I’ve gained tools to help me process my emotions and communicate my feelings in my relationships even if it seems to fall on deaf ears.

    I am on a path of continuous growth and this means that I will go through many stages, but I no longer feel the need to rush.

    I value myself, love where I'm at, and welcome each season of my life with open arms.

    I’ve learned that I am wise enough to make the choices that are best for myself.

    I’ve learned to identify my triggers but also what caused them allowing me to work through them.

    I’ve learned to validate my own opinions without requiring the validation of others.

  • I chose to work with you because you are someone I admire. Your tenacity and ability to put yourself in vulnerable positions and chase your dreams has always been something I looked up to.

    You created a space where I never felt judged or misunderstood, allowing me to be the most vulnerable I have ever been with someone.

    You aligned with my spiritual values in our sessions, and provided an understanding of who I truly was; you made sense of my chaos.

    With you, I learned to process my thoughts, emotions and conflicts in a healthy way.

    You helped me rediscover myself and provided the tools needed for me to continue growing into the person I didn’t think existed. When I thought I had become a closed off and emotionless person, you provided a safe space for me to break down the walls I thought were there to protect me, which in reality had only been holding me back.

    I am honored to have worked with you and would make this choice to work with you and invest in myself 100x over. Thank You Emma 🤍

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • It is possible to omit the Natal Chart Reading in our first session, though not recommended.

    In the case that you would like to omit the natal chart reading, it will be replaced with a traditional 1:1 coaching session.

  • We will meet weekly for 1 hour each month.

    If you find yourself looking for additional support, single sessions can be added.

  • We are certain that the information and tools provided inside our Private Transformational Coaching Program are effective, but this effectiveness is also dependent on the client putting forth the effort to integrate the insights and knowledge.

    If you are unsure if this program is the right fit for you, please email emma@ebbandflowdynamics.com

    You can also view our Testimonials for more information on what kind of transformations people are experiencing inside the program.

  • Due to the nature of this service, payment plans are implemented on a case-by-case basis. Please email us at emma@ebbandflowdynamics.com for more information.

  • To maintain ethical integrity, please know that I am NOT a licensed medical professional, including but not limited to: psychotherapist, counselor, physician. I am also not a fortune teller.

    I am a Certified Life Coach with a B.S. in Neuroscience and have received some formal education in Astrology from May Sim’s Selfstrology Academy.

    However, the remainder of my work is drawn from my personal analysis, research, and lived experienced.

    My work is in no way meant to replace or provide medical or diagnostic treatment.


